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Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Electrolysis?

Electrolysis is the only method of permanent hair removal, period. In 1875 when an ophthalmologist
discovered that he could permanently remove ingrown eyelashes from his patients by energising a fine needle and inserting it into the follicle of the eyelash. From these early attempts to rid people of unwanted hair, there has been continued medical research and development that has made electrolysis both a safe and reliable method of treatment. Electrolysis is the only method of permanent hair removal recognised by the FDA! 

Skin Analysis

How does Electrolysis work?

The most common form of electrical epilation is thermolysis - this is when a small electric current is applied to the base of the hair follicle. The tissue at the base of the follicle is what is heated, not the needle. This is because the moisture there is dried out by the current, and the cells start to break down and proteins congeal. This is what we want - because it destroys the cells which are responsible for telling that hair follicle to grow. And we want it permanently removed! The hair follicle heals up after treatment but the follicle is unable to grow another hair because of the new tissue that has been built there as part of the healing process.


How many treatments will I require?

Unfortunately this is very hard to say.

The reason being because it will significantly vary with each person and according to factors such as (but not limited to):

- the amount of hair in the treatment area

- the sensitivity of your skin; and 

- your general hormone balance. 

There are literally trillions of cells on our body, most of lying dormant and do not grow the dark terminal hairs we often can see with the naked eye. We can destroy these permanently with electrolysis, however if our hormones are out of whack for example, these can wake up dormant cells and encourage them to grow unwanted hairs. It is important to know that we can only permanently treat the hairs that are currently growing. We cannot know how many hairs will eventually grow or when your body will stimulate new growth.

Nonetheless, electrolysis is a fantastic way to deal with unwanted hair growth following many of life's key changes such as puberty, pregnancy, transitioning and menopause. 

Depending on the thickness and volume of unwanted hair and where it is on the body, it can be combined with laser hair treatments to give you the level of clearance that you desire. 

It is important to note though that for facial and upper body hair, electrolysis has proven much more effective and is the ONLY solution that can offer permanent removal, whilst laser has sometimes stimulated more hair in this hormonal area (paradoxical hair growth) in some unlucky clients.

Generally speaking:

- Most clients find that weekly sessions beginning at thirty minutes to one-hour work best.

- Eventually as the hair is removed, and we achieve more clearance, this can move to 15-minute touch-up treatments on a less frequent basis.

The more consistent you are with your treatment schedule, the sooner you will see hair free results. So it is a process - but a worthwhile one! 

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Is there a minimum treatment time?

Yes - The minimum treatment time required for hairs to be treated successfully and effectively is 15 minutes, no exceptions. Please see my Prices page for more details.

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Does Electrolysis hurt?

Most clients say that they experience some mild tingling or a quick heat sensation in the skin - this only lasts for 0.5-1 second when the current is applied. After which, the heat subsides and you don't feel anything. It is no more painful than laser treatments, but the majority of my clients are able to complete their treatment very well - some are happy to talk, some are happy to scroll through their phones, and others fall asleep! yes!

Some areas may be more sensitive than others and at certain times of the month you may feel more sensitive.

I recommend clients who are very sensitive or have a very low pain tolerance to apply topical numbing cream prior to their appointment, or take pain relief medication. 

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Is Electrolysis safe? Are there any side effects?

Yes - when performed by a skilled, qualified electrologist the treatment is 100% safe and effective. Advances in medical technology mean that we can pinpoint the exact application of the small electric current to the base of the follicle without disruption to any surrounding tissue. 

All equipment is thoroughly sterilised prior to use and needles are all single use and disposed of after each client.

Additionally, I cannot stress the importance of proper aftercare with all my clients. I will rant about this a lot as some of you will know. 

After your electrolysis treatment, you will probably experience: 

1. Slight redness and/or swelling but this is normal and these symptoms should go after 1-2 days. It is simply the skin healing process in action.

2. You may see tiny blood scabs appear at the top of the exposed and treated hair follicles. This is completely natural and part of the healing process and is just dried lymph and blood from the base of the hair follicle that has been targeted. These fall off within 1-2 weeks depending on how quick your skin heals and you should ensure you keep your skin moist and above all do not pick at them - let them fall off naturally. 

3. If you have a darker skin tone and do not regularly apply SPF 50 every single day, you are at risk of developing hyperpigmentation , i.e. dark spots in the area being treated so ensure you follow all the advice given to you to minimise this risk.

Keeping the area clean and avoiding makeup or harsh products on the area for 24 hours is advised. Complete details on before and after care procedures will be provided to you at your initial consultation.

Laser Hair Removal

Isn't Laser permanent?

Laser/IPL treatments are often advertised as permanent removal, however this is incredibly misleading. The FDA  and British Medical Association only classify laser to provide permanent hair reduction. It cannot completely destroy the follicle, nor is it painless. Laser treatments only damage the follicles, meaning they take longer to grow back a hair and you may notice a reduction in the size and thickness of the hair in the treated area.

This isn't too bad of a result - especially if you are someone who can benefit from a course of combined treatments to get down to the level of hair clearance that you desire in a particular area.

Unfortunately for some, laser treatments have a side effect known as paradoxical hair growth. The thinking is that the light energy from the laser has been applied on an incorrect setting, and instead of damaging the hair follicles to be treated, it encourages dormant cells to start producing hairs.

Additionally, lasers are not effective on darker skin types and do not work on blonde, white, grey or red hairs. Nor are they capable of selectively targeting individual hairs.

The only method of permanent hair removal, as stated by the FDA and British Medical Association, is electrolysis.

For additional information on laser hair removal, please visit the FDA’s site which clearly explains the permanence of electrolysis over the temporary and occasionally permanent ‘reduction’ of laser hair removal:


So what about the effects of other non-permanent methods of hair removal

There are so many methods of hair removal marketed around in today's world. After all - hair removal is multi-million pound business. If your hair bothers you and you want it removed, there are many options for you to choose from. That is your prerogative!

Below I break down how these actually work so this can give you a clearer idea of what is happening to your hairs and skin. Other than being perhaps more cost friendly (in the short term), all these methods result in some level of distortion to the growth of the hair follicle. All the hairs will also grow back again and require regular maintenance. 


  • Typically lasts 4-6 weeks and the hair is torn out of the follicle. Can work well on legs but extremely harmful when performed on the face, because facial hair is more susceptible to hormones. 

  • Basically when the hair is torn out, it changes the shape of the follicle underneath the surface of the skin, so it becomes distorted. This might cause ingrown hairs because now the hairs are not growing out at a level angle from the hair follicle. 

  • As nutrients, oxygen and circulating hormones now have to attend to the follicle this will generate stronger hairs. Fine downy hairs can become terminal dark hairs over time.


  • Similar to waxing. For example if you have been plucking hairs on the chin area for some time this may leave a dark shadow. The skin becomes rough to touch and may have a coarse appearance. 


  • After a while, the hair becomes damaged and coarse looking and this can be just as noticeable simply because it now looks so different in contrast to the kind of hair most people expect to see.


  • Shaving will only remove the hair you see. That includes the very fine vellus hair that some people refer to as “peach fuzz”. Shaving can promote ingrown hairs and small microscopic cuts are a certainty.

Depilatory creams

  • Depilatories are harsh and for many, can cause chemical burns of the surface of the skin. At a minimum, this can create a red and irritated looking complexion.

Skin Biopsy

Pre treatment Advice

When you book your appointment / patch test, a confirmation message will be sent to your mobile. 

Please ensure the following before you come in: 
1. Hairs must be visible at least 2-3mm so these can be treated. 
2. Ensure you are regularly wearing sunblock if this area is exposed to daylight. This will minimise risk of pigmentation.

3. Drink plenty of water day before your appointment this makes the treatment more effective. 
4. Sleep well and take painkillers if you are on / around your period or extra sensitive. 
5. Purchase a small tube of pure Aloe Vera gel from Amazon / supermarket (this will need to be applied regularly to the area for at least 2 days post treatment).

Aloe Vera

Aftercare Advice

This will be discussed during your initial consultation and patch test. Reminders will be sent to you after your treatment. It is your responsibility to purchase aloe vera gel - this will be applied directly after each treatment, but you must ensure you have a supply at home to continue applying topically to the treatment area to further promote skin healing and prevent risk of infection.

Take the following precautions for the next 24 to 48 hours: 
- Do not sunbathe or have any other heat treatment (e.g. steam/sauna).
- Do not take hot baths or showers.
- Do not swim.
- Do not apply make up to the treated area.
- Do not apply soaps/perfumed products to the treated area.
- Do not wear tight or dirty clothing over the treated area.
- Do not touch, pick at, the treated area including any healing scabs which may form in the area.

Clean area with cold clean water and pat dry. Apply aloe vera gel regularly every few hours for the next 2 days. Use a clean cotton pad to apply this, no fingers! Keep everything clean. 

Before your next appointment, remember to not pluck any of the hairs as this will delay results, it is ok to lightly trim them.

Tattooed Couple

Can you remove hairs from moles or tattoos?

Moles - I will need a signed letter from your GP confirming the mole is “normal” and not pre-cancerous.

Tattoos - absolutely! Unlike laser treatments which cannot be performed on tattoos, we can use electrolysis on tattooed skin and it is still 100% effective. 

Pregnant Belly

I'm pregnant - can I have the treatment?

Generally, I advise that pregnant clients wait until after they have given birth to start treatment.

Whilst I understand that hormonal changes brought on by pregnancy can cause unwanted hair, the treatment can carry the risk of complications if the client has not properly adhered to after care advice. 

Hair Salon

Can I bring someone along to my appointment?

For health and safety reasons, only the individual for whom the appointment is booked is allowed to come into the salon for their designated treatment time. We cannot allow small children or other adults into the treatment room.

Apologies, I am temporarily closed and not offering electrolysis treatment currently.

©2024 by Electrolysis with Gigi

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